Emily Baker
Interior Designer
Emily Baker
Interior Designer
“Spaces can evoke emotion and create memories”
Emily has a friendly demeanor and makes an effort to get to know people. She takes the extra time needed to listen and connect with others.
Since she is service-oriented, she enjoys being helpful and looks for solutions that work for everyone.
Emily’s commitment to the team and her ability to be flexible, makes her a valuable team member. As an Interior Designer, she enjoys solving problems and spatial organization. Her other responsibilities include selecting finishes, technical drafting and assisting with project management and construction management services.
Loyal and cooperative, Emily is a pleasure to work with.
Q&A with Emily:
What is your favorite outdoor activity?
Snow skiing in the winter, and hammocking in the summer.
What is your favorite 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, or 90’s jam?
The Backstreet Boys were my childhood.
What is your spirit animal and why?
A dog. They are friendly, loyal, and always up for adventure.