Site Improvements, Master Plans and Shelters
Project Details
- Name: Site Improvements, Master Plans and Shelters
- Location: Greenville County, SC
- sector: Parks & Recreation,
- service: Architecture, Master Planning,
- status: In Progress
- Size: Varies
Greenville County Parks includes more than 40 separate park areas and community centers in South Carolina. They provide tailored programs and facilities to engage park users with intentionally accessible design and thoughtful educational experiences. The Park’s Administration approached Domokur & Associates in 2020 to provide architectural services for a new accessible waterfront and fishing pier at their Pleasant Ridge Camp and Retreat Center. Their goal was to provide a fishing experience that everyone can enjoy. Our Team identified codes and regulations that would influence the project design, conducted programming meetings with the Park’s Administration, and defined specific operational, spatial, and facility requirements. Impressed with our approach and the outcome, the Park’s Administration has since asked us to provide additional architectural services for three new and renovated park shelters, and develop Master Plans for three other parks.
The waterfront design creates a sense of arrival, and acts as a destination hub for multiple outdoor and water-related activities. The boardwalk and other site features provide opportunities for camp and park users to have different kinds of fishing experiences from multiple locations around the pond at differing heights above the water. The waterfront structure was designed with sustainable materials, and its features assimilate with the existing architectural character of nearby buildings. Similarly, the design concept for the shelters used the existing park’s architectural style and branding while choosing sustainable materials that were both functional and within budget. The Master Plans were designed to create more inviting experiences, expand and enhance programming opportunities, define activity hubs, and create connectivity.
Using simple materials and ‘nuts and bolts’ solutions, we were able to create waterfront access to those with special needs, who in turn were given the opportunity to catch a fish, often for the first time. As the parks continue to develop and implement both the shelters and proposed Master Plans, we continue to build our working relationship with the Park’s Administration to deliver additional projects that entice more users to get outside. After all, the Park’s vision is to create abundant opportunities for a thriving, vibrant, and diverse community to access quality recreation areas across the county.